t-size: small;”>Today’s post will be slightly off-topic. I usually write about developing disciplines that will help us to follow Jesus daily. But I am currently participating in the 31 Days to Be a Better Blogger. hosted by http://blog.ourchurch.com/ .

Today’s assignment is to write a list post. So here’s a list of helpful blogs that I read most every day.

1. Christian Web Trends is the blog by Paul Steinbrueck at OurChurch.Com, the company that hosts our church web site. Christian Web Trends discusses news & trends in technology to help Christians communicate more effectively.

2. Practical Shepherding is a blog by Pastor Brian Croft of Auburndale Baptist Church in Louisville, Kentucky. He does a great job writing about practical issues of pastoral ministry, “evaluating practical issues of local church ministry biblically, theologically, and pastorally.”

3. Tim Challies is an author, web designer and book reviewer. He has a variety of good topics and helpful links.

4. Joining God in His Work is a blog by Les Puryear, a Southern Baptist pastor in North Carolina. He often writes good insights into issues related to the SBC.

5. Chris Walker is an ordained pastor in the Presbyterian Church (USA) and is the principal writer for Evangelism Coach International . He has a lot of good ideas on evangelism in North America.

6. 9 Marks  is “is a ministry dedicated to equipping church leaders with a biblical vision and practical resources. Our goal is simple: churches that display the glory of God.” It has contributions from various authors and pastors, edited by Mark Dever.

7. I just found Campfire Cowboy Ministries by Kevin Weatherby, Pastor of the Pecos County Cowboy Church in Fort Stockton, Texas. His blog is a look at Christianity from a cowboy perspective. This is done through inspirational cowboy stories, cowboy humor, and simple steps you can take to get saddled up with God.

Probably most of these relate more to me as a pastor than they might to others. I find them interesting and I get a good variety of issues and ideas from them.

By the way, how are you doing on the Spiritual Health Exam? I will get back to writing the next exam soon.

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