ly: Times New Roman;”>God is at work in Grand Junction, CO. He is working in the hearts of those who know Him and those who have yet to know Him through a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. The goal of “God’s Plan for Sharing” (GPS) is to be on-mission with Jesus by every believer sharing and every person hearing the gospel by 2020. Our journey is guided by a process with four biblical markers:

V     Praying – every church praying for lost people

V     Engaging – every believer sharing as a trained witness

V     Sowing – every lost person receiving a witness

V     Harvesting – every church harvesting and celebrating every salvation result

The first part of the “God’s Plan for Sharing” process is the Across North America evangelism campaign. This is a five weeks long process to share Christ through prayerwalking, gospel distribution, and an invitation from our church to an evangelistic Easter worship service on Sunday, April 4, 2010, concluded by five weeks of follow-up connection with those who responded to our invitation.

Material, resources, and a media campaign will assist us in accomplishing this goal. Below is a schedule of events surrounding Easter Sunday. Please begin praying about your role in this effort.

Across North America Timeline

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